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March 2009 2nd Open Bidding

Category Current Quota Premium Previous Quota Premium / Difference
A (1600cc and below), taxi S$5,116 S$4,890 S$226
B (1601cc and above) S$5,001 S$5,101 S$100
C (Goods Vehicle and Bus) S$5,600 S$5,300 S$300
D (Motorcycles) S$912 S$958 S$46
E (Open) S$5,982 S$5,700 S$282

April 2010 1st Open Bidding

Category Current Quota Premium Previous Quota Premium / Difference
A (1600cc and below), taxi S$34,001 S$28,389 S$5,612
B (1601cc and above) S$45,501 S$36,089 S$9,412
E (Open) S$49,000 S$42,001 S$6,999

December 2011 1st Open Bidding

Category Current Quota Premium Previous Quota Premium / Difference
A (1600cc and below), taxi S$50,001 S$52,357 S$2,356
B (1601cc and above) S$70,003 S$72,317 S$2,314
E (Open) S$71,000 S$74,345 S$3,345

2013 results:


Period % Remark
May 1990 to May 2009 3.0 3.0% + deregistrations as per last annum
Jun 2009 to Jun 2010 1.5 Reduced to 1.5% + deregistrations as per last annum, partly due to low price COE
Jul 2010 to Jul 2012 1.5% as per last annum + recent half-yearly deregistrations, rate are extended to July
Aug 2012 to Jan 2013 1.0 Taxi are moved to Cat E
Feb 2013 to Jan 2014 0.5 Reduced to 0.5% and expected to last till Jan 2015
Feb 2014 to Jan 2015 Change to recent quarterly deregistrations
Feb 2015 onwards 0.25 Reduced to 0.25%

From April 2010, the COE quota calculation was amended. Under the new methodology, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) recycles the COE quota from the actual vehicle deregistrations in the most recent six-month period back into the system. Instead of an annual quota, figures will be revised every six months. For example, there are 800,000 vehicles as of January. Based on the allowable growth rate of 1.5 percent, there will be an additional 6000 COEs for sale every six months. On top of the number of vehicles deregistered in the same period (for example, 20,000) this means the COE quota for July to December will be 26,000.

In early October 2011, Singapore Minister for Transport Lui Tuck Yew has said that Singapore's annual vehicle growth cap would be cut further from 2012. The annual vehicle population growth rate will be lowered from the current 1.5% to 1.0% in 2012, and then to 0.5% in 2013 and 2014, and then to 0.25% in 2015.

The lower vehicle growth rate will be more closely aligned to the pace of road growth going forward. However, in May 2012, Lui Tuck Yew did an about turn and said that more COE may be released and the plans to quotas cut car growth would be delayed.